Huge thanks to everyone that helped raise money for AVONE. He is currently out on bail and awaiting trial in early May. More on this shortly.
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Mon 30 Apr 2007
Huge thanks to everyone that helped raise money for AVONE. He is currently out on bail and awaiting trial in early May. More on this shortly.
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Mon 30 Apr 2007
…to come write IMPEACH and other VERBS with the G.R.L. LASER Tag system. Saturday April 28th @ 9PM in Brooklyn (the corner of Everit Street & Fulton Street). Near Grimaldi’s Pizza. Weather permitting. In support of A28 and the fight to Impeach Vice-President Dick Cheney.
p.s. Kiss my Ass. Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick is a Killer
For more photos L.A.S.E.R. Tagging in Rotterdam and NYC click here.
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Thu 26 Apr 2007
The G.R.L. rolls out its newest probably-not-street-legal vehicle, the Mobile Broadcast Unit: audio, projection and L.A.S.E.R. tag systems all mounted on a big tricycle. For more information on the MBU and to watch a video of the G.R.L. riding in Critical Mass Brooklyn click here.
Uploaded by Q under Events , Field Test , Graffiti Technology, Fri 20 Apr 2007
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Tue 17 Apr 2007
The G.R.L. will be giving a presentation in the Digital Arts Laboratory at Pratt tomorrow (Thursday) night at 6pm (laser tagging may ensue). More information here:
Thursday, April 12th
ARC Building, Lower Level
Digital Arts Lecture Hall, Room E-2
Directions, and Campus Map.
(Thanks to Rob for the invite)
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Wed 11 Apr 2007
Graffiti writer, artist, and friend of the G.R.L. AVONE has recently been incarcerated on charges of vandalism. To view video and learn more about how you can help click here.
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Sat 17 Mar 2007
The Ides of March bring Open City online, Click here for video (or here for the youtube clip).
Peep work from 11 of the artists, pranksters and villains featured in the exhibition, as well as outtakes of Mark Jenkins going over the GRL, KR going over Eyebeam and Aram Bartholl getting coffee. Continue to stay tuned to this same graff channel for updates on exhibition workshops, screenings and public interventions.
Photos tagged with “opencity” and “eyebeam” on flickr.
Open City Continues:
March 1 – April 7
Eyebeam, 540 west 21st Street
New York City
Upcoming screenings and workshops:
Thursday, March 15:
7:30pm Screening Night: Still We Ride (37 min), with introduction by directors Andrew Lynn and Elizabeth Press
Dusk – G.R.L. Laser Tag sortie (weather permitting)
Saturday, March 17:
3-5pm Open City workshops with local artists:
Leon Reid – How To Become Invisible
GRL- Overview of Laser Tag and the Mobile Broadcast Unit
Steve Lambert – Shop Dropping
Mark Jenkins Goes Over the G.R.L., Click here for video (or here for the youtube clip).
KR goes over Eyebeam, Click here for video (or here for the youtube clip).
Getting coffee with Aram, Click here for video (or here for the youtube clip).
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Wed 14 Mar 2007
The GRL will be screening the definitive street bombing documentary, STATE YOUR NAME, this Thursday, March 8th, at Eyebeam as part of the Open City Exhibition. OZSER will introduce the documentary at 7:30PM.
w/ an introduction by the filmmaker
Thursday, March 8, 7:30PM
For directions to Eyebeam click here.
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Tue 6 Mar 2007
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Tue 27 Feb 2007
From March 1st – April 7th, the Graffiti Research Lab is declaring NYC an OPEN CITY. All the streets and walls have been turned over to the bombers, pranksters and protesters. As a triumph for the GRL’s foreign conquests, and for all the anonymous public works made by servants of the street at home and abroad, Eyebeam is presenting an exhibition and series of free screenings and workshops that reveal the tools and tactics of graffiti writers, artists, protesters, pranksters and hackers who are reclaiming our cities by any means necessary.
Presented by Eyebeam, Open City: Tools for Public Action is an exhibition documenting the ingenuity of graffiti writers, artists, protesters, pranksters and hackers reclaiming the public realm. By presenting the artifacts and tools of the artists, the exhibition offers a deeper look at the means and motivations of urban action and creativity. Open City hopes to inspire its audience to make their own tools for public action. To encourage community participation, a series of screenings, presentations and workshops exploring tool building, tactics and approaches to communication by any means necessary will occur at Eyebeam throughout the month-long exhibition. Among the means and materials presented will be: paint, tape, stencils, digital projection, large-scale public pranks, hacking urban infrastructure, homemade markers and ink recipes, lasers, etch, the internet, social engineering and activist robots.
Featured Artists include:
Aram Bartholl (Berlin)
BORF (Washington D.C.)
Graffiti Research Lab (NYC)
Institute for Applied Autonomy (USA):
Improv Everywhere (NYC)
Mark Jenkins (Washington D.C.)
Object Orange (Detroit)
Leon Reid (NYC)
Matthias Wermke (Berlin)
Krzysztof Wodiczko (PL/NYC)
This exhibition is on view from March 1 – April 7, Tues-Sat 12-6pm.
For directions to Eyebeam or more information about the exhibition, public presentations or workshops, click here.
Uploaded by Q under Events, Thu 22 Feb 2007