(_) /_____  (_)___ ___  ____  __  __   
     / / __/ __ / / __ `__ / __ / / / /
    / / /_/ / / / / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ /   [ jtnimoy ]
 __/ /__/_/ /_/_/_/ /_/ /_/____/__, /  
/___/                            /____/  

Josh Nimoy, freelance hacker (specializing in music, movies and microcode) and the world’s greatest origamist, got down with the GRL in Barcelona and designed a new brush style for the L.A.S.E.R. tag system. For source code, and screen captures go to http://jtnimoy.net. Photos of JT’s projection bombing here on flickr. Stay tuned for more updates from the GRL in Barcelona.


GRL Nimoy Style