
Florian Hufsky, @oneup,

Eulogies from Michael Zeltner and Paul Bohm.

Florians sites:
Graffiti Research Lab Vienna
@oneup (twitter)
1000points (flickr)

1kpoints (youtube)
1kpoints (myspace)

Much love to all of our friends at APMT4, CBC-NET, Yosuke, Takahiro, and everyone that stood out in the rain or sucked paint fumes with us. Peep the full photo set here.

graffitiresearchlab.jp coming soon Godzilla style to the streets of Tokyo.

I received word from James via an email forwarded from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. They visited him on Friday and report that he is in good health and eager to get back home. He was arrested 5 days ago in Beijing for “upsetting public order” and is now serving 10 days for suspicion of activities in regards to his affiliation with the organization Students for a Free Tibet. He has not been formally charged through the judicial system and should not be subject to further judicial proceedings. According to the authorities he will be released Aug. 30th and allowed to depart China. The Embassy stated that it continues to advocate on his behalf at the highest levels and monitors his case around the clock. Updates will continue here and at fffff.at

Still no word from G.R.L. co-founder James Powderly since he was detained in Beijing 48 hours ago. Information will be posted here and here as it is received. Till then cross your fingers, pour out some Tsingtao, and throw up some FREE POWDERLY on your MySpace.

Verison equals the NSA

The Graffiti Research Lab has officially renamed The Verizon Communications Corporation in a ceremony supervised by the U.S. Department of Homeland Graffiti to celebrate the July 9th FISA Legislation granting telecommunication companies retroactive immunity from legal action in cases of warrantless and unconstitutional wiretapping. Under its new name, The National Security Administration, the behemoth telecom will enjoy a greater degree of freedom from assault by litigious U.S. citizens when breaking the law and capitulating to the Bush administration. Thank god for liberal senators like Barack Obama who are looking out for the little guys like AT&T, BellSouth and other major telecom companies. When asked about the FISA provision, NSA/Verizon chairman and CEO Ivan Seidenberg, said, “This is a big new step for our company and our investors.” He continued, “Now we ARE the government, so fuck you… try to stop us! Mwahaha!”

For a list of other U.S. Senators who are protecting the rights of all Americans who own communication monopolies click here.

Stay tuned for more action from the GRL’s latest WMD, the L.A.S.E.R. Stencil, aka the Green Lantern, in its international debut.

Verison equals the NSA

GRL owns the Bridge

GRL equals America

GRL: doing the U.S. governments dirty work since 2006.


It’s right here.

Peep the Leaks from inside the Dept. of Homeland Graffiti Liquidation Sale.

Grafgate opens on First Friday, June 6th, 2008
8 p.m. ’til late • free and open to the public
Exhibition runs from June 4th – June 28th

@ Gallery Anno Domini
in Man Jose, Caliboringya

BTW, dont believe the hype, The GRL was not invited to San Jose or supported in any way by Zero1. Why are we on ur website? We’re self-produced, independent and free to say, “FUCK YOU 01!”. All praise to Gallery AD.



The United States of America is going out of business! 🙁 But here at the U.S. Department of Homeland Graffiti, we want to turn this moment of national embarrassment and hard times into real savings for you and your family. 🙂 From June 4th through the 28th, the U.S.D.H.G and the Graffiti Research Lab are liquidating all confiscated, high-tech graffiti artifacts and tools, expunged evidence, court exhibits, redacted documents and office furnishings, priced to sell. So grab a handful of Euros or Mao Bucks (U.S. currency still accepted while supplies last) and head on down to Gallery Anno Domini located between U.S. Routes 101 and 280 in Silicon Valley, California. Don’t miss out on these sub-prime deals,because just like our empire, bargains like this won’t last forever! Offer void in Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and North Dakota. Local sales tax and service charges may apply bitches.

Artist’s Reception: First Friday, June 6th, 2008
8 p.m. ’til late • free and open to the public
Exhibition runs from June 4th – June 28th




2-layer U.S.D.H.G. Shield Prints

Homeland Security Advisory Canvas

U.S.D.H.G. Control Shield


More SALE items here on fuckflickr.


Graffiti Research Lab: The Complete 1st Season is coming to Sundance @ BAM in Brooklyn on Saturday, May 31st with a FREE midnight screening. Get rowdy and get downtown by 9:30 PM to get your laser-scribble on at the opera house followed at midnight by the only movie to officially be put on the Dept. of Homeland Security no-fly list.

Saturday, May 31st at midnight

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