December 2007
Monthly Archive

Graffiti Research Lab uniforms are here! G.R.L. has teamed up with the Bronx-based Gold Bricker Society (GBS) and the US Airforce to bring you these hand-screened limited edition G.R.L. eagle T’s. G.R.L. uniforms are printed on Alternative Apparel Basic Crew shirts, free from both labor abuse and kiddie porn adverts. 95 cents of each dollar spent on G.R.L. T’s goes directly toward making Petey Vallone. Jr pissed and miserable.

If you’d like to make your own GRL silk screen or stencil here are the files you’ll need to get started:
– grl_logo.eps
– grl_logo.png
8–> more on Vallone Jr.
Uploaded by fi5e under uniform, Wed 19 Dec 2007

Graffiti writers, hackers, pranksters, nerds, thugs, glue sniffers, knitters, cubicle warriors, failed shoe-bombers and all assorted plebes join us in the fight to have fun in public. Do not call now! Do not send us money. Simply lower your expectations for a moment and read HOW TO START YOUR OWN GRAFFITI RESEARCH LAB, then get a URL, set the background color to #000000 and tear your city apart.
Uploaded by fi5e under Campaigns, Tue 18 Dec 2007

We’re not Triads. We’re not Al-Qaeda. We’re just a mass of kids running around Hong Kong in SUVs with much gear and lasers listening to Cantonese Hip Hop. What do you have to fear?
November 14th, 2007 the GRL goes to Hong Kong China Hong Kong for the Microwave Festival, meets MC Yan, eats well, buys military surplus in Mong Kok, makes history.
Uploaded by fi5e under Uncategorized, Thu 6 Dec 2007