April 2006

The Graffiti Research Lab will be preseting with Josh MacPhee at Eyebeam as part of the Upgrade event.

April 29th, 3-5pm
at Eybeam (http://www.eyebeam.org), 540 W. 21st St., NYC

Josh MacPhee, author of Stencil Pirates takes us on a tour through the history of illegal street markings (Street Art 101), and how we got where we are today, with a focus on the history of the street stencil.

-Evan Roth and James Powderly talk about the current state of graffiti, the formation of the Graffiti Research Lab, as well as our most recent open source graf projects. They demo the tools they’ve developed and give out materials to make LED Throwies. Members of Evan’s Geek Graffiti course at Parsons will also present some of their experiments in technology based graffiti.

Come to the Graffiti Research Lab workshops at the Maker Faire in San Mateo, California. We will be working with faire attendees to create a state-of-the-art mural on a 1974 school bus and conducting workshops on making LED Throwies and Electro-Grafs.

April 22nd – 23rd at the San Mateo Fairgrounds (click here for google map).