I’ve Got GRLs in Every Country Code

Wake up sleeper, Wake up. GRL Vienna has been activated. Joining Forces with GRL NYC, GRL Amsterdam and the Royal College Of Art Rude Bois to spread the doctrine of Mutually Assured Defacement (MAD) at Ars Electronica 2007 and through-out Europe, The Americas and East Asia.

All cells, stay tuned for Agent Watson’s L.A.S.E.R. Tag 2.0 coming very soon. In the meantime check out GRL Vienna’s port of L.A.S.E.R. Tag to Processing for PC and Mac. It’s called L.A.S.E.R. Marker.

Listen to the dulcet tones of GRL NYC and GRL Vienna on Austrian radio fm4 or read more about the RCA Rude Boise, Dash MacDonald and Demitrios Kargotis (aka. Dr. Whippy) on We-Make-Money-Not-Art.

– For GRL NYC on Flickr click here.
– For the resolution of the proletariat click here or here.

Stay tuned for how to form a GRL Splinter Cell coming soon.

Thanks to Theo, Emily, Micheal, Florian, Flo, Carola, Dash, Demitrios, Raina, Cameron, Martin, Artivi.com, Emmanuel, Zach, Aram and all the rowdy kids in Linz.